Friday, September 20, 2024

NCCPR in WitnessLA: Don’t shield private foster care agencies from accountability for abuse; the “crisis” facing Foster Family Agencies is an opportunity for real reform

Recent developments in California and New York make it clear: Foster care is now known to be so harmful to children—and there is so much abuse in foster care—that agencies providing it are becoming uninsurable. 

Private foster care agencies are, of course, portraying this matter as a crisis. As a result, they’re seeking various forms of immunity from liability for the horrible things done to some children on their watch. This should not be seen as a crisis that demands the kind of remedies that could eliminate the last vestiges of accountability and deny children justice. Instead, these developments should be seen as an opportunity—a chance to finally make meaningful change in a system that so often destroys children in order to save them ...

Read the full column in WitnessLA