The state capitol in Austin |
What the Tribune
(and the Dallas Morning News) can’t face is that after decades of seeing
the system that calls itself “child welfare” do enormous harm to children,
people across the political spectrum are coming together and finding common
ground. They've come to understand that due process for families is the best way to ensure
children’s rights and child safety.
The online news
site Texas Tribune has improved its coverage of the family policing
system (a more accurate term than “child welfare” system) compared to how it
handled these issues when it was founded in 2009. But it still has a long way to go.
The Tribune
is still pushing the Big Lie of American “child welfare” – the idea that
any bill that protects children from being traumatized by the family police and
forced into the hellscape of Texas foster care is a “parents’ rights” bill that supposedly
comes at the expense of child safety.
And they do it with a slightly revised version of the standard Texas twist;
the longstanding false claim that any such legislation must be part of a vast
right-wing conspiracy!
I previously
discussed a fearmongering Texas Tribune story about one of the bills. The theme of the latest story can be boiled
down to: The Texas foster care system is horrible! How dare the legislature try
to keep more kids out of it! At one
point, the reporter simply decrees on her own authority that one law is
To understand the
extent to which the Tribune keeps misleading Texans about these bills, we
need to start with what the bills actually do.
● One bill requires that families get the equivalent of a Miranda warning
when the family police are at the door. That is, they must be informed of
rights they already have. Contrary to
the Tribune’s latest story, they are not given any new rights.
● That bill also curbs
hidden foster care – or what should be called blackmail placements, in which
families are coerced into “voluntary” placements of their children, usually
with relatives, that are anything but voluntary. The most recent data are old, but they indicate more than 60% of Texas placements
occur this way – and
they’re not even included in the figures Texas reports to the federal
government, or to the public, as entries into care.
● Another bill largely (though not completely) replaces
anonymous reporting to the state’s child abuse hotline with confidential
reporting. That is, the accused still
won’t know who accused them but, in most cases, the family police agency will.
● Another bill bolsters legal representation for families
– something that has been proven to curb needless foster care with no compromise of safety.
● And another bill simply requires the family police and
judges to document the “reasonable efforts” they made to prevent removal of a
child to foster care and to prevent termination of children’s rights to their parents
(a more accurate term than termination of parental rights).
Again, this law
does not give families any new rights. “Reasonable efforts” have been required
by federal law since 1980 –
and routinely ignored. This
bill doesn’t even stop Texas family police from continuing to ignore the
requirement – they just have to state what, if anything, they did to comply
with it!
The vast
bipartisan conspiracy
All of these bills
passed with bipartisan support – most of them nearly unanimously.
That’s important
because of a decades-long insistence by some Texas media on putting a false
ideological framing on these issues. (Some
of the reasons for this are discussed in the report we issued on Texas child
welfare nearly two decades ago.)
In Texas media,
particularly the Tribune and the Dallas Morning News, any attempt
to curb the vast power of the family police supposedly is part of a far-right
plot to place “parents’ rights” ahead of “child safety.”
The Dallas
Morning News truly outdid itself last year when it managed to blame both an
expansion of family police power and a reduction in that power on the far
right. The latest Tribune story
has come up with a new bit of spin to explain away the bipartisan support for
these bills.
So with that, it’s
time for a close look at the latest Texas Tribune failure.
The reporter’s
preconceived notions are clear right off the bat. Here’s how the story begins:
Faced with a
troubled foster care system and a 12-year-long lawsuit for putting children in
state custody at risk, Texas legislators this year made sweeping changes to
state agencies that look after vulnerable kids removed from their homes.
But legislators’
focus was less on conditions for children in the system and more on reducing
the number of kids entering state care.
Translation: We
want you to believe those awful right-wing lawmakers cared more about coddling
abusive parents than fixing the state’s horrendous foster care system!
On the contrary. The legislative priorities reflect the fact that, at long
last, lawmakers are beginning to realize that you will never be able to fix the
state’s horrendous foster care system as long as the state keeps shoveling children
into it in huge numbers.
But to sell these
as “parents’ rights” bills, there’s a lot you have to leave out.
So a story written by a
reporter whose bio
says: “She covers how inequity plays out for children and families with an eye
on the state’s foster care system” makes no mention of that inequity, even
though Black and mixed-race children are torn from their families in Texas at a
60% above their rate in the general population – a disparity
these bills are likely to curb.
In contrast, ProPublica’s latest story about the Miranda rights bill notes that
it “will in many cases benefit Black, Hispanic and low-income families who
often have their lives and homes upended by CPS officers.” The story also explains that “child welfare
issues often defy typical partisan binaries.”
But that doesn’t
fit the Tribune story’s entire parents vs. kids framing. So the Tribune story ignores inequity
and instead claims that lawmakers concluded: “parents facing abuse accusations
are entitled to more rights.”
For starters, that’s
grossly misleading. None of the provisions
of new laws discussed in the story give parents – or anyone else -- more
rights. The bills do things like force
the family police to tell families the rights they already have and document whether
they have followed existing federal law.
The one provision that arguably gives more rights – to children
-- the one that helps protect them from blackmail placements – isn’t mentioned
in the story.
But the bigger
problem with the story is the claim that these are “parents’ rights” bills.
● A law that
reduces the chances that children will be forced to endure the enormous trauma of a needless child
abuse investigation because
an angry neighbor is hiding behind anonymity to phone in a false report is a children’s
rights law.
● A law that
requires the family police to simply document what, if anything, they say they
tried to do to keep a child safety out of the horrors of Texas foster care – so
a judge can step in when, in fact, they did little or nothing -- is a children’s
rights law.
● A law that
bolsters family defense, so families have a team that can propose alternatives
to cookie-cutter “service plans” doled out by the family police -- again, to
spare children the horror of Texas foster care -- is a children’s rights
● And a collection
of laws that, together, may reduce false allegations trivial cases and cases in
which family poverty is confused with “neglect” so workers have more time to find the few
children in real danger is a collection of children’s rights laws.
The ultimate
unreliable source
To bolster the
false claim that these are parents’ rights bills, the reporter turns to what
probably is the least reliable source in all of Texas, but a source guaranteed
to support the reporter’s own view: Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). Indeed, she relied on the chapter of that
organization which did the most comprehensive study of all to determine if its
program worked -- and found that it actually did harm: the chapter in Texas.
CASA is a
particularly odd choice for a reporter whose beat focuses on inequity.
CASA is the program in which overwhelmingly
white, middle-class amateurs with no required qualifications and maybe 40 hours
of training (plus in-service so it’s OK, right?) are allowed to march into the
homes of families who are overwhelmingly poor and disproportionately nonwhite
and pass judgment upon them – judgments that, depressingly often, are
rubber-stamped by the courts.
That’s why a law review article aptly characterized CASA as “an act of
white supremacy.”
Furthermore, study after study after study shows that CASA backfires, often hurting
the children it is intended to help.
The most revealing
of these was a study of Texas CASA – commissioned by Texas CASA itself. It
was released at the end of
2019. According to that study:
“Overall, children appointed a CASA have significantly lower odds
than children without a CASA of achieving permanency.” [Emphasis
Compared to children not burdened with a CASA on the
case, Texas foster children with CASAs
● Less likely to be reunified with their
own parents.
● Less likely to find permanence in the
form of guardianship by a relative.
● More likely to “age out” of foster
care with no home at all.
When the study came
out the Austin American-Statesman did a good story about it. The Texas Tribune ignored it.
Yet somehow this is
the organization we are supposed to trust when it invokes the false claim that
child safety and family preservation are opposites that need to be balanced.
So the Texas
Tribune story gives us this:
“We’re in a
period in history right now where things are swinging very much towards having
the smallest possible system, really prioritizing parents’ rights,” said Sarah
Crockett, the director of public policy at foster kid advocacy group Texas
For decades
everyone in the system has claimed that they want the smallest possible system
– that they only want to see children taken as a last resort. Yet now, when some small steps are taken
toward doing it, “smallest possible system” somehow is equated with “parents’
Crokett then offers
the classic example of the Big Lie: implying that when you make the system
smaller, children are less safe:
“This system is
traumatic and stressful for children and parents. I absolutely do think that we
should do everything that we can to keep the child with their family,” Crockett
said. “And it’s also true that child abuse is still happening. And so how do we
balance those two things?
Except that well
over a decade ago, a Texas think tank – a liberal Texas think tank -- released a study debunking the idea that doing more to keep
families together compromises child safety. On the contrary, it’s the massive
overload of systems with all those false allegations trivial cases and poverty
cases that makes it harder to find children in real danger.
The bias of the
One of the problems
for the Tribune in pushing the whole idea that these bills all spring
from the minds of right-wing “parents’ rights” fanatics is the fact that so
many of the bills passed nearly unanimously (something never mentioned in the
story). The solution is to stereotype both
sides as extreme while groups like CASA – and the Texas Tribune --
are simply suggesting that, as journalists love to proclaim, the truth, of
course, lies somewhere in between.
So after accepting
CASA’s false characterization the story declares that the new laws represent
an approach
supported by both social conservatives who tout family values and progressive
child welfare abolitionists who want to do away with the system.
In the Texas
Tribune’s eyes, only extremists support these “parents’ rights” bills;
whereas good, sensible moderates oppose them.
This is a classic example of what’s been aptly called “the bias of the
center” – the idea that the truth always lies “somewhere in between” – and
somehow taking that stand in a news story, and stereotyping everyone you
disagree with as an extremist, isn’t bias.
In this case
there’s a particular problem: By that logic, almost every Democrat in the Texas
Legislature is an abolitionist “who want(s) to do away with the system.” If that were true you’d think they would have
proposed stronger bills.
No, what the Tribune (and the Dallas Morning News)
can’t face is that after decades of seeing the system that calls itself “child
welfare” do enormous harm to children, people across the political spectrum are
coming together and finding common ground. They've come to understand that due process for
families is the best way to ensure children’s rights and child safety.
So the Tribune presents
us with a lawyer, who, apparently referring to these bills and one that became
law in 2021 said: “The failing in the laws is that the standard is so high now
for a child to be removed.”
In fact, none of
this year’s bills changes the standard for removal. The one that became law in
2021 (again after passing with huge bipartisan majorities) said only that before branding families
guilty of neglect and tearing children from everyone they know and love there
should be an “immediate danger” to the child. That’s because if the danger isn’t immediate
then there’s time to find ways to remove the risk instead of the child. Why in the world wouldn’t you try that first?
The anonymous
reporting bill
The first bill
discussed specifically in the Tribune story is the one largely replacing
anonymous reporting with confidential reporting. Here, the reporter doesn’t bother
with the figleaf of finding someone else to say what she thinks, instead she
simply declares flatly that the bill “takes an extreme approach to weeding out
false reports.”
The story’s
discussion of this bill is misleading in several ways.
The story declares
that “the anonymity can protect those afraid of retaliation.” At no point does the
story explain why confidential reporting, in which the accused still doesn’t
know the name of the accuser, fails to do that.
The story then
repeats this from that previous misleading Texas Tribune story about the
About 1,000 of
the 12,473 anonymous reports made in 2022 led to findings of abuse, according
to Texans Care for Children.
Like the previous
story, this one leaves a whole lot out:
● “Findings of abuse” is a gross
exaggeration. The 1,000 reports were
“substantiated,” but that means only that a caseworker checked a box on a form
guessing it is slightly more likely than not that something that meets Texas’
definitions of abuse and neglect occurred.
● Of those 1,000 cases, it is likely that 770
did not involve sexual abuse or any form of physical abuse.
So what the numbers actually show is that, of all anonymous reports alleging abuse or neglect in
Texas in 2022, 92% were flat-out false. That means caseworkers handling
these cases spent 92% of their time harassing innocent families, inflicting
trauma on their children – and wasting time that could have been used to find
children in real danger.
Add in the cases that were “substantiated” but
involved neither physical nor sexual abuse, and the figure rises to more than
98%. That’s 98% of workers’ time spent on cases that are nothing like the
horror stories.
At no point in the
Texas Tribune story is anyone quoted favoring the bill. But, again echoing the previous story, the
reporter gladly invokes the ultimate in fearmongering to oppose it:
“None of us in
this room want any child to suffer abuse or neglect. And I would hate for us to
vote for a policy where the tradeoff is ... [having] a child possibly die from
abuse or neglect,” [Sen. José] Menéndez said on the Senate floor.
Texas Tribune
readers never learn about that liberal think tank study showing that encouraging
more reports, anonymous or otherwise, does not reduce child abuse deaths. They never learn about the research showing that it is the overload of false
allegations trivial cases and poverty cases that actually makes it more like
that that you could have “a child possibly die from abuse or neglect.”
Suckered by a
Part of the blame
for all this lies with the group that brought the massive doomed-to-fail Texas
McLawsuit in the first place: the group that calls itself Children’s Rights. Both
CR and the group that spun off from it and which shares responsibility for the
Texas McLawsuit, A Better Childhood, have abysmal records of filing almost
identical suits across the country that ignore the problem at the root of all
the others – needless removal of children.
Instead, they demand “solutions” that don’t always fail completely, but
often leave states with the same lousy systems only bigger.
That’s why
Michigan’s leading child advocate recently blasted the consent decree resulting from a very similar Children’s
Rights McLawsuit in that state, declaring that the Michigan consent decree has:
if anything,
made the situation much worse because it’s funneling money from front-end stuff
to really fund our foster care system.
The Texas lawsuit
demands much the same – and it sounds like that’s exactly as the Texas
Tribune thinks it should be.
The Texas suit also is another example of CR’s excellent
public policy work and its lousy lawsuits working at cross purposes. In recent years CR has done bold work
calling out racism in family policing and demanding things like the repeal of
horrible laws such as the so-called Adoption and Safe Families Act.
But in its Texas
lawsuit Complaint (Paragraph 282) CR demands stricter enforcement of ASFA.
None of this
excuses how Texas has responded to the lawsuit – by fighting it tooth and nail
instead of proposing an alternative: a consent decree that emphasizes services
and due process protections to keep children in their own homes. (It’s not too late to try that, by the way.)
But none of this is
hindsight either. We knew the McLawsuit
was doomed to fail and we said so early on.
Now, the Texas legislature is figuring out that the only way to fix
foster care is to have less of it – whether the Texas Tribune or the Dallas
Morning News like it or not.
KWTX-TV reports on a case in which six children were taken away. All of them, even the youngest, age 2, apparently were institutionalized. Now that child
is dead. According to the news story “this all happened
because of a call alleging [the mother] was smoking marijuana.” And KXXV-TV reports the call was anonymous and the mother passed "numerous drug tests." (They also report there was an allegation of "violence" - but no indication there was even an allegation of violence against the children.)
Apparently, the children were never in any danger, because shortly after boy’s death, the Texas family police agency gave all the other children back
and closed the case.
So yeah, tell us again Texas lawyer how “the failing in the
laws is that the standard is so high now for a child to be removed.” And tell us again, Texas lawmaker, how the "tradeoff" for banning most anonymous reporting is "[having] a child possibly die."