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#BlackLivesMatter protesters march on New York City family courts, and the city Saturday, in a demonstration organized by the Parent Legislative Action Network (Photo by Joyce McMillan) |
The link to this story that appeared on the New York Times homepage on June 13 said: “Calls for Racial Justice Touch Seemingly Every Aspect of American Life.” It should have said: Every Aspect But One.
The link to this story that appeared on the New York Times homepage on June 13 said: “Calls for Racial Justice Touch Seemingly Every Aspect of American Life.” It should have said: Every Aspect But One.
Not only has the child welfare
system, which needlessly separates countless Black families every year, been untouched,
it continues to engage in racist behavior and messaging. Sometimes journalists
have been its enablers.
So it’s worth remembering again how
Robert Latham of the University of Miami School of Law summed
it all up: “The child welfare system has nothing to say about anti-Black
state violence because the child removal system engages in it daily.”
The most obvious example is one I’ve alluded to before: One agency after another issues dire warnings about what often is called a “pandemic” or “epidemic” of child abuse now supposedly underway because schools are closed and teachers and other “mandated reporters” are not calling in reports to child abuse hotlines.
The most obvious example is one I’ve alluded to before: One agency after another issues dire warnings about what often is called a “pandemic” or “epidemic” of child abuse now supposedly underway because schools are closed and teachers and other “mandated reporters” are not calling in reports to child abuse hotlines.
Of course there is reason for
concern that a tiny fraction of parents will respond to the stress of COVID-19
by lashing out. But 97 percent of calls to
child abuse hotlines are false reports or cases of “neglect” which often means
It should be obvious that it is
racist to assume that the moment mostly white, middle class “eyes” are averted
form overwhelmingly poor disproportionately nonwhite children their parents
will unleash savagery upon them in pandemic proportions. Endless calls to ratchet up the child welfare
surveillance state only drive families away from seeking help and overload
child protective services workers, so they have even less time to find children
in real danger.
The reduction in surveillance is
viewed differently in communities of color. As Kendra Hurley writes
in Citylab:
Some parents living in neighborhoods with historically high rates of child welfare investigations say the dramatic dip in maltreatment reports feels more like the pollution lifting — a much-needed respite from the intense and relentless surveillance of low-income moms, and especially those who are black and Latinx.”…
“One parent told [family advocate Joyce McMillan]: “They’re not opening my refrigerator. They’re not opening my dresser drawers. They’re not strip-searching my children and they’re not asking me to take their clothes off for the camera, because that would be child pornography.”
Similarly Eli
Hager’s writes in The Marshall Project:
"Poor people are usually constantly inspected by all these agencies,” [one mother] said. “Now there is kind of a peacefulness.”
As Emma Ketteringham of the Bronx
Defenders told Hager:
We have a child welfare system that is particularly, extremely sensitive to the media, so we should be very sure of narratives before we put them out there.
Child welfare, and a large chunk of
American journalism, would do well to consider
the words of David Kelly, special assistant to the Associate Commissioner
of the Children’s Bureau in the Department of Health and Human Services:
“If confined to telling binary stories of heroes and villains, an objective view may reverse the roles. Who is the hero, the parent doing the best they can under circumstances more difficult than most of us will ever know or experience, or the folks writing about the likelihood they will fail or actually seek to harm their children?”
But that is only the tip of the
iceberg. Consider the other ways in
which child welfare seeks to set itself apart from racial justice:
Defund the child abuse police? Child welfare establshment says: No way!
The Times story notes that
The flood of corporate statements denouncing racism “feels like a series of mea culpas written by the press folks and run by the top black folks” inside each organization, said Dream Hampton, a writer and filmmaker.
It also reprints
a tweet from Prof. Crystal Fleming, author of How to be Less Stupid About Race:
Meanwhile, academic institutions be like: "As a university that relies on prison labor, has never had a Black president, hires few Black faculty and has no policies to address systemic racism targeting Black students on campus, we would like to affirm that #BlackLivesMatter..."— Professor Fleming is on vacation (@alwaystheself) June 7, 2020
In other words, in other fields no
one is fooled. No one should be fooled
by the similar
statements coming from the child welfare establishment. Because none of those groups is willing to
put real money where its press releases are.
A key component of the racial justice
movement is defunding police; that is, transferring large parts of police
budgets into better alternatives such as education, housing, and public health.
Not only have there been no similar calls from the child welfare establishment,
they actually have teamed up with several liberal Democrats in Congress to try
to use COVID-19 as an excuse to increase
funding for the child abuse police – child protective services investigations
-- by up to $500 million.
Just as harmful: They propose
funneling the money through the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, an
odious law deliberately crafted to avoid issues of race and class in child
welfare. To get their share of this
additional $500 million states would have to comply with racist provisions of
CAPTA, most notably the so- called “Plan of Safe Care” provisions, which target
substance using mothers and drive them away from prenatal care.
Apparently, to the child welfare
establishment, forcing more
than half of all African-American children to endure the trauma of a child
abuse investigation – almost always needlessly – just isn’t enough.
In contrast, in the Senate it took
two Republicans and two conservative Democrats to propose spending $800 million
on what
families actually need to prevent what the system calls child abuse: aid
for things like housing, transportation and child care.
The proposal to put more federal
dollars into child abuse policing is in keeping with a long, ugly tradition of mainstream child welfare groups opposing
real child welfare finance reform.
They successfully blocked
a proposal to allow – not require, just allow – states to take the money
they now receive through the huge, open-ended foster-care “entitlement” known
as Title IV-E as a flexible flat grant that could be used both for foster care
and for better alternatives. Then they
tried to block something even more modest: state-by-state waivers. And when
they couldn’t block waivers they tried to undermine
waivers through regulations.
Radical finance reform
What’s really needed is much more
radical finance reform. The federal government should stop paying for foster
care, period. Not only should the open-ended
entitlement be converted to a flexible grant, over several years states should
be required to transfer the proportion of that grant used for foster care to
better alternatives. No, that doesn’t
mean there would be no money for foster care. It just means that the state and
local governments that put children in foster care would have to pick up the
tab themselves.
Real finance reform also means
ending the obscene practice of paying bounties to states for every finalized
adoption over a baseline number, a practice that encourages a mad rush to
needlessly terminate parental rights, as was well documented more
than a decade ago.
The bounties are part of another
racist law that needs to be repealed, the so-called Adoption and Safe Families
Act. In addition to the bounties, ASFA
demands that, with certain exceptions, states presume parents unfit and move to
terminate their children’s right to any
relationship with them based solely on how long a child has been in foster care
– even if the child never needed to be in foster care at all, and/or is still
there because of the agency’s failures.

It’s no wonder ASFA led to a surge in foster care
placements and an increase in the number of children “aging out” of foster
care with no real home at all.
ASFA was one of a trilogy of racist
bills passed during the mid-1990s. But while
the other two, the crime bill and the so-called welfare “reform” bill, have been
called out for their underlying racial and class bias, child welfare has
remained willfully blind to the fact that ASFA used the same myths and
stereotypes to target the same population: poor women, especially poor women of
Jobs not on the line
In a section headed “Jobs on the
line,” the Times story discusses the
many people forced to resign because
they “made offensive statements.” But in
child welfare, you can make such statements and worse, act in ways that do enormous
harm to families of color, and not only will you not have to resign, you might
even get promoted.
Consider this offensive statement:
“There are some things we’re finding with
visits on video that are actually more positive than in-person visits.”
That offensive
statement came from Ross Hunter, secretary of the Washington State Department
of Children, Youth and Families. He was
attempting to justify a cruel, blanket ban on in-person visits between foster
children and their parents, something that is not
necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19.
But in
a state where Black and mixed-race children are in foster care at twice
their rate in the general population, and Native American children are in
foster care at five times their rate in the general population, Hunter appears
to have issued the ban to appease a bunch of appallingly
selfish, white foster parents – like those who signed an online petition,
which reads in part:
They say what about the bio parents who will miss [their children]? I say to this. [sic] They are the ones who made the choices which in turn lead [sic] to losing their children in the first place. They should not be worried about missing visits at this time.
I know
of no calls in Washington State for
Hunter to resign.
UPDATE: The statement about visits isn't even the worst thing Hunter's said. He just outdid himself.
One month ago, the NCCPR Child Welfare Blog broke the story of Hunter's agency warehousing children who tested positive for COVID-19 in an office building. Now that the Seattle Times has finally caught up, we know Hunter's response.
First, here's what some family defenders said:
But Hunter saw it differently:
UPDATE: The statement about visits isn't even the worst thing Hunter's said. He just outdid himself.
One month ago, the NCCPR Child Welfare Blog broke the story of Hunter's agency warehousing children who tested positive for COVID-19 in an office building. Now that the Seattle Times has finally caught up, we know Hunter's response.
First, here's what some family defenders said:
Tara Urs, special counsel for civil practice and policy for the King County Department of Public Defense ... said its use amounted to “warehousing children in an office building,” sending a message to kids that no home will take them.
Already marginalized, exposed to COVID-19 and put at such a site, “it has to be terrifying for them,” said S. Annie Chung, a lawyer who represents youth separated from their parents.
“It’s not palatial, but it’s a reasonable alternative for two weeks” — one not unlike the confined spaces millions of people are stuck in, Hunter said. “This is the challenge of the pandemic.”Illinois, where Black children are in foster care at triple their rate in the population, has the same blanket visitation ban. The Shriver Center on Poverty Law has been leading efforts to get it overturned. On June 12, they tweeted:
For Black lives to matter, Black families must also matter. For close to 3 months, @IllinoisDCFS has kept over 11,000 parents, children, and siblings apart, many of whom are Black. This is unacceptable. #LiftTheBanIL
For Black lives to matter, Black families must also matter. For close to 3 months, @IllinoisDCFS has kept over 11,000 parents, children, and siblings apart, many of whom are Black. This is unacceptable. #LiftTheBanILhttps://t.co/cfOJp0rbUa— Shriver Center (@shrivercenter) June 12, 2020
That prompted a response
from a deputy communications director for Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, which
To claim @IllinoisDCFS does not care about black families is frankly disgusting.
This policy was put in place to prevent the spread of covid. It was upheld by the courts for that reason. @IllinoisDCFS is in the process of updating the policy, as the @shrivercenter knows. To claim @IllinoisDCFS does not care about black families is frankly disgusting. #twill https://t.co/pfU7xaUXo8— Jason Rubin (@jasrubin) June 12, 2020
No. What is "frankly
disgusting" is when a p.r. person for a white governor lectures a Black-led group
fighting for racial justice about what they should say - while distorting what
they actually said.
I know of no calls from Illinois
for the p.r. guy to resign.
The Illinois Department of Children
and Family Services now claims it will begin a
slow, grudging resumption of in-person visits, starting on June 26. [UPDATE, JUNE 24: But as the Shriver Center explains, it's not nearly enough.]
Nor has anyone I know of demanded
the resignation of the California district attorney who
declared that “For the most vulnerable people in our community
‘shelter-in-place’ is the same as putting them in a cage with a violent
Failing up
And then there is the case of
Cynthia Figueroa, former commissioner of the Philadelphia Department of Human
Services. She has repeatedly tweeted
support for #BlackLivesMatter, even posting a selfie
as she took part in a march.
But during her tenure – and for
long before – Philadelphia DHS tore apart familiesat the highest rate among America’s biggest cities,
even when rates of child poverty are factored in. , More than 85 percent of those
families are nonwhite, When confronted, the agency’s response was misdirection
and obfuscation. Only now has DHS finally admitted what it sought
to obscure for so long.
But that’s only the beginning. Not
only does Philadelphia also ban all in-person visits, Philadelphia DHS falsely
blamed federal guidance for the ban. Federal guidance is precisely the
opposite. And now, DHS has published a
guide that effectively urges people to
turn virtual visits into ways to spy on families.
Yes, I did say Figueroa is a former
commissioner. But that’s not because she was forced to resign. On the contrary,
she keeps failing up. Mayor Jim Kenney promoted
her to a deputy major job. She still oversees DHS.
And then Kenney gave Figueroa new
job: Chairing what the Philadelphia
Inquirer says will be “a steering committee to help the city move toward
reconciliation with residents.”
The reckoning is a long way from
reaching child welfare.