● What is it like to be innocent, yet trapped on a massive
blacklist of alleged child abusers? What does it do to a family? It happened to
Hope Lyzette Newton. She fought her way
off the blacklist. She tells her story in this
essay from the Rethinking Foster Care blog.
● Another
moving essay comes from Kelly Buffalo-Quinn, a Native American woman who writes:
“I Lost Control of My Baby’s Adoption Because of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
And I’m Glad It Happened.” An excerpt:
We are the originals and it’s laws like ICWA and decisions like my Tribal Council’s that protect our bodies, our descendants, our language and our way of life. The preservation of indigenous cultures is the only reason we have survived for so long. Continued preservation is the only way we will keep surviving. … It took me years to come to terms with, but ICWA did its job. It preserved this native child just as it was intended. And because of that, I know he will always have a home — a true home — in his a place among my people.
You can see Ms.
Buffalo-Quinn tell her story in this video:
● Still, one can always feel better about child welfare in
New York City by looking at child welfare in Philadelphia. Here’s
another case in point.