Some of the “littles,” as Marilyn Jones so cloyingly calls them, could wind up in “repurposed” juvenile jails.
In December, 2016, I
wrote a post for this blog called Fixing
Oregon foster care becomes a pathetic game of whack-a-mole.
I described how an
expose of abuse in foster care by the alternative weekly Willamette Week whacked the state into raising standards for foster
homes. So the state wound up warehousing
foster children in offices and jails. So
-- whack! -- a child advocacy group brought a lawsuit to prohibit the
practice. The Oregon Department of Human
Services (DHS) settled. And children
promptly wound up warehoused in hotels. So –whack! – there was another lawsuit,
and another settlement.
I discussed how this
would keep happening until the state faced up to the real problem: Oregon tears
children needlessly from their parents at a rate far above the national average.
Now, more than two
years later, behold! The
Oregonian reports that the foster
children are back in juvenile jails. But this time there’s a twist. They’ve repainted the cinderblock, added some
pretty pictures and slapped new labels onto the jails – so now, the Oregonian tells us, they’re “repurposed juvenile jails” [emphasis
The Oregonian story then tells us that
Critics question whether former jails are the right place for foster children.
‘Ya think???
The story goes on to
note that
for many, such placements mean moving far from their home communities, switching to unfamiliar and sometimes segregated foster-child-only schools and losing the chance to live in the care of a parent figure instead of a rotation of shift workers. … Nationally the movement in child welfare is away from caring for children in institutional settings, which research has shown yields poorer outcomes.
But once again, as
with every other story I’ve seen in the Oregonian
over the past several years, this story makes no mention of the root cause of
this pathetic game of whack-a-mole: Oregon’s obscene rate of child removal and
the failure of state government, the state legislature, and almost all of the
state’s media to confront it.
The one thing that’s changed – for the worse
But one thing has
changed. It used to be that state child
welfare officials would say that of course it’s terrible to institutionalize
kids, but they would claim they have no choice because of a “shortage” of
foster parents. That’s not true – Oregon
does not have too few foster parents, Oregon has too many foster children.
But leave it to Oregon
Child Welfare Director Marilyn Jones - the poster-adult for child welfare mediocrity to suggest something even worse. Jones is now saying that no matter how many
foster parents Oregon recruits they will never be capable of caring for all the
children who are now institutionalized, and even more need to be
institutionalized in the future. So
either Jones has an astonishingly low opinion of Oregon foster parents or Jones
is clueless about best practice in child welfare.
When Jones says
Oregon should institutionalize more children, she’s not just talking about
teenagers – though that’s bad enough.
Jones told the legislature she wants more beds to institutionalize
children as young as five – children she cloyingly refers to as “the littles.” Calling for institutionalizing five-year-olds
should, in itself, disqualify someone from running a child welfare system.

But then, I suppose
one should not expect any better from someone like Marilyn Jones, who has also
justified sending children to an Iowa institution alleged by an independent
advocacy group to be rife with abuse. (And,
I suppose one should not expect any better from someone like Jones who doesn’t
even seem to know that Oregon is a bigger state than Iowa.)
Others who share responsibility
But Jones and her
colleagues in DHS management are not the only ones to blame for this mess.
● Almost as culpable
is State Sen. Sara Gelser. Oregon media seem to believe no child welfare story
is complete without the obligatory quote from Gelser. But Gelser has made the crisis worse by promoting hype and hysteria over high-profile tragedies and undermining what little DHS has tried to do to curb needless foster
Gelser was the major
force behind legislation that killed Oregon’s “differential response”
initiative – either without waiting for or simply ignoring the final results of
a comprehensive
independent evaluation. (The evaluation is dated June, 2017, the bill
passed in early July of that year.) According to that evaluation:
our analyses find no evidence that DR [differential response] undermines the safety of children in Oregon. [Emphasis in original.]
The evaluation found
that families receiving a “differential response” intervention were
significantly less likely to have another substantiated report of child abuse
than a matched comparison group of families who got a traditional Oregon child
protective services investigation.
Pretty institutions don’t work either
Even now, Gelser
seems unaware of the fact that institutionalization simply does not work. Her comments suggest
that she would be just fine with institutionalizing children if they just made
the places really pretty – so they didn’t look
like jails – and the people running them used all the right buzzwords, like
So when Gelser then
tells OPB that she’d like to do more about prevention (but notice it’s only the
non-controversial net-widening primary prevention to which everyone pays lip service)
it should be taken with more than a grain of salt. OPB also reports that
It’s time, Gelser said, for the state to figure out how to find the appropriate place for the state’s most vulnerable children.
Actually, it’s time
for Gelser to figure out that the appropriate place for a large number of those
children is their own homes.
[UPDATE, MARCH 23: Gelser has responded to some of the above. You can read all about that here. But she still has not explained why she did so much to kill "differential response" even after the independent evaluation found it was safe.]
[UPDATE, MARCH 23: Gelser has responded to some of the above. You can read all about that here. But she still has not explained why she did so much to kill "differential response" even after the independent evaluation found it was safe.]
The whack-a-mole lawsuits
● The organizations
that brought the whack-a-mole lawsuits – the one that said you can’t use jails
and offices, but didn’t mention hotels, and then the one that said you can’t
use hotels but was silent about “repurposed” jails -- also share
responsibility. Since the lawsuits never
addressed the high rate of removal, DHS was never forced into the one solution
that would really work: Taking away fewer children, thereby opening places in
good foster homes for all the children who really need them.
The Oregonian reports that
The no-hotels settlement was supposed to get more children and teens who’ve been removed from their families into the family-like settings that experts and Oregon’s foster children’s bill of rights say gives them the best chance to flourish.
But having already
seen that the lawsuit against keeping kids in jails led to keeping kids in
hotels, how could they have possibly believed that stopping DHS from
warehousing children in hotels wouldn’t wind up sending them right back to
jails – albeit “repurposed” ones?
● Most of the
state’s media also share responsibility – especially the Oregonian, which for years has chosen to ignore the state’s
outrageous rate of child removal.
If most Oregonians
think, mistakenly, that all parents who lose their children are sadists, brutes
and/or hopeless addicts; if most Oregonians mistakenly confuse child removal
with child safety; and if most Oregonians think that there are no options other
than recruiting more foster parents and dumping five-year-olds in “repurposed”
jail cells – it’s because that’s the story the Oregonian and most other Oregon media keep telling them over and
over and over. (Again, OPB is something of an exception.)
If most Oregonians
don’t know about the real rate of abuse in
foster care, and if most Oregonians don’t know about the mass
of research showing that, in typical cases children do better in their own
homes even than comparably-maltreated children placed in foster care, it’s
because the Oregonian and most other
Oregon media don’t mention those details.
If “repurposed”
doors on “repurposed” jail cells start slamming behind five-year-olds anytime
soon, primary responsibility rests with Marilyn Jones. But Sen. Gelser, the lawyers who brought the
whack-a-mole suits, and the Oregonian
all will have helped to put those five-year-olds in those cells.