News and commentary from the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform concerning child abuse, child welfare, foster care, and family preservation.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Why journalists need to override child welfare’s veto of silence
It’s tough to verify a story when a child welfare agency won’t talk or release records. But it can be done. At the end of this post I’ve included links to
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Attn: Liberals. If you sound like Kellyanne Conway, you’re getting child welfare wrong
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Photo by Gage Slidmore
Kellyanne Conway justifies the Muslim ban in much the
same way many on the Left justify child welfare's infrigements on civil liberties. |
Not that many are detained
And so, you’re talking about 325,000 people from overseas came into this country just yesterday through our airports. So, 325,000, you’re talking about 300 and some who have been detained or are prevented from gaining access to an aircraft in their home country. They must stay for now. That's 1 percent.
And I think in terms of the upside being greater protection of our borders, of our people, it's a small price to pay.
It’s only temporary
…this is what we do to keep a nation safe. I mean, there are – [the] whole idea that they’re being separated and ripped from their families, it’s temporary … as opposed to the over 3,000 children who will be forevermore separated from the parents who perished on 9/11.
We know stuff that you don't
Over and over, when people in child welfare agencies are confronted with a case of wrongful removal they say "Oh, there's so much more to it, but we can't tell you - it's confidential." And their liberal supporters say: Trust them, they know more than we do and they are just acting in the best interests of the children.
Or, as Kellyanne Conway said:
[Tump] is privy to information that the rest of us aren’t, particularly the media. The political media aren't national security and intelligence experts receiving briefings every single day like our president is.
The Muslim ban and the take-the-child-and-run approach to child welfare have something else in common: They backfire. In the case of child welfare, the infringements on civil liberties overload child welfare systems so they have less time to find children in real danger – and more children die.
Friday, January 27, 2017
ABC7 New York examines foster care panic in New York City
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
A lot of good journalism about child welfare
Why the “Foster-Care-at-All-Costs” Crowd Will Never Surrender Their Horror Stories
The Real Story
Rose and Rodney Hunsicker battled Berks County child-welfare officials for two to three years to keep their children, according to their attorney at the time. They did not want to lose custody of Grace and her two siblings.But Children and Youth officials in Reading fought “aggressively” to remove the children, alleging abuse by other adults in the home, Norristown attorney David Tornetta told the Inquirer…“I can’t imagine what that young child went through,” Tornetta said. “I guarantee you if that child had been in Rose and Rodney’s care, it wouldn’t have been anything like this … The lawyer said he came to know the Hunsickers as a loving couple who were unemployed but could have become better parents with some help.
Let’s Make a Deal
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Just what we need in child welfare: less accountability!
Thursday, January 12, 2017
New columns on the "new normal" for Black children - and other child welfare system horrors
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
The real lesson from the fall of R.I.S.E.: Group homes don’t work
The issues in politics are not complex, even though politicians tell us so in order to convince us of the politicians’ importance … and to keep us from criticizing them.
The interior walls of the yellow craftsman style home … are all painted bright colors and dusted with empowering quotes; the aesthetics a small indication of the lengths to which Annie Corbett … and her staff have gone to ensure that this home is a safe place …
In foster care most of her life, 17-year-old Amber [not her real name] finally found a little stability at R.I.S.E. House. After cycling through 35 foster and group homes, she developed relationships at R.I.S.E. and was poised to graduate from high school.
CSEC survivors who have successfully left their exploitative relationship often point to the emotional connections and trusting relationships they built with caring adults as significant factors in their recovery. In contrast, CSEC survivors identify significant difficulties with living in group homes. For example, in those placements, no one caregiver looks out for their well-being. CSEC may also pose risks to the other children in the home. Group home placement can even exacerbate CSEC victimization, because pimps use such facilities as recruiting grounds.
Enduring a Child Abuse Investigation is the New Normal for Black Children
I’m scared when I hear a hard knock at the door. I think they are coming. I was scared to go to school because they will come to the school and remove me and put me in a foster home. All because if my Mom and Dad don’t do what they want, never mind they are not abusing us.
I will be so glad when I am 18 and my brother is 18. Then I know [no one] will never be able to put us in a foster home again.
Those words were written in 2006 by a 14-year-old girl who’d already endured needless foster care placement once. A caseworker decided her mother couldn’t cope with being a single parent, holding a job and going to college. In 2006, the family was under investigation again – because the school system lost some records.
As soon as they heard the loud knock on the door my children knew it was [child protective services]. And they were scared. It’s amazing how a hard knock on the door can only mean one of two things – or maybe both – in certain neighborhoods.
The Knock That is Now the Norm
more amazing, and more horrifying: the findings from a new study that attempts to estimate how often
children hear that loud knock on the door. If you’re black, it’s more likely
than not that it will be a part of your childhood. The study estimates that 53
percent of African-American children will be subjected to a child abuse
investigation before they turn 18.
It will happen to 32 percent of Hispanic children. It even will happen to 28 percent of white children. In all, the study estimates, more than a third of all American children will endure the knock on the door and all that follows.
The study does not break down the figures by income level. We can only imagine the percentage of poor children for whom this trauma is a typical part of childhood.
Of course, the fear of that knock on the door is likely to be greatest in cases where a child has already been consigned needlessly to the chaos of foster care before, such as the 14-year-old quoted above. She was repeatedly abused in foster care. But even when it does not result in removal, a child abuse investigation is not a benign act.
At a minimum, children endure the trauma of strangers coming to their home, asking about the most intimate aspects of their lives, turning the house upside down, and leaving everyone in fear. If the allegation is physical or sexual abuse, the children may be subjected to a strip search and an intrusive medical examination. If anyone else did that, it would be sexual abuse.
That one should even have to point out that a child abuse investigation is traumatic for a child is testament to the willful blindness about race and class that permeates child welfare. Most of the time, when a black man is forced up against a wall by police and frisked, it doesn’t result in arrest. But only right-wing extremists dismiss the trauma of stop-and-frisk as harmless.
Of course, if you’ve already convinced yourself that a child abuse investigation is no big deal, it’s easier to oppose any change in the process to make it even a little less traumatic.
When Appalling Findings Don’t Appall
But there is something even more appalling than the actual findings: the fact that the researchers were not appalled. On the contrary, approaching child welfare as a public health problem and not a social justice problem, the researchers blithely suggest that their findings mean child abuse is rampant, and the fact that 78 percent of allegations don’t even meet the extremely low criteria for “substantiation” is irrelevant.
How do they know? Because some surveys in which questionnaires are administered to children and youth find that a whole lot of them have been maltreated in some way. One survey cited claims that 38.1 percent of children experienced “maltreatment.” But the actual questions posed by that survey use some very broad definitions. Here’s the question about “neglect”:
When someone is neglected, it means that the grown-ups in their life didn’t take care of them the way they should. They might not get them enough food, take them to the doctor when they are sick, or make sure they have a safe place to stay. At any time in your life, did you get neglected?
They might as well have asked “At any time in your life were you poor?”
The researchers also cite a study which purports to show that the rate at which children are re-abused is about the same whether the first report was substantiated or not. But the researchers neglect to mention that the rate of alleged re-abuse in either case was very low – between 4.5 percent and 18 percent, depending on how one counts.
So even
taking the substantiation study at face value, it merely tells us what we
already know: substantiation decisions are arbitrary, capricious and cruel, and
whether a case is substantiated depends more on factors such as which
caseworker shows up at the door, the race of the family, and whether there was a high profile fatality in the news
recently than on any objective measure of maltreatment.
The findings in the new study of exposure to child abuse
investigations suggest not an epidemic of child abuse, but rather an epidemic
of false reports and over-investigation.
British researchers understood that after
they found similar staggering rates of investigation, and looked at them
without the willful blindness that sometimes characterizes their American
So here is a modest proposal for helping to open some eyes. The
next time researchers embark on one of those grand surveys asking young people
about the trauma in their lives, they should add this question: “Were you ever
the subject of an investigation of a false report of child abuse?”
They can grab a bunch of headlines by reporting that the rate of “emotional abuse” has skyrocketed.