First of two parts
Late last year, The
New York Times published
a story about the frightening amount of power, and the frightening lack of
accountability, among some of America’s county sheriffs. It included this
This year, the sheriff in Worth County, Ga., ordered his deputies to enter the local high school in search of drugs. They lined up 850 students with legs spread and hands against the hallway walls. Deputies inserted fingers into girls’ bras, and touched their underwear and genital areas while searching in their waistbands or reaching up their dresses, according to the Southern Center [for Human Rights], which sued the sheriff.
The deputies had no warrant or other authority to conduct the search, the suit charged. No drugs were found. … The Georgia sheriff was recently indicted in connection with the mass search and has pleaded not guilty. The lawsuit resulted in a $3 million settlement.
Wow. A $3 million settlement and criminal charges – charges
that included a misdemeanor count of “sexual battery.” Just goes to show what happens when advocates
of civil liberties mobilize. Even
authorities with all that power can be held accountable.
A random sample of the nearly 200 comments on the story
found unanimous condemnation of the abuses outlined in the story (of which the
example above was only one) – not to mention a rush to blame it on political
Now, consider a far more common infringement on civil
liberties, as
described by The New Yorker:
You will hear a knock on the door, often late at night. You don’t have to open it, but if you don’t the caseworker outside may come back with the police. The caseworker will tell you you’re being investigated for abusing or neglecting your children. She will tell you to wake them up and tell them to take clothes off so she can check their bodies for bruises and marks.
Even though this story described the rule, not the
exception, there were no cries of outrage from civil libertarians. And the
letters to The New Yorker in response
to the story defended the people inflicting this infringement on civil
liberties on defenseless children.

Just say the magic words
But for many on the left, call it a child abuse investigation
and suddenly, behavior which in any other context would be sexual abuse is
deemed acceptable. Behavior
like this concerning a six-year-old:
The caseworker says that she needs to take pictures of Jackie’s body. Her mother, visibly shaken, again expresses discomfort, but the caseworker tells her “Oh, don’t worry. It’s more stressful for the parent than it is the child.”
And so Jackie’s mother helps Jackie to take off her clothes. The caseworker asks Jackie to lie down on the bed and spread her legs. Despite having no training in this specialized work, she then “[takes] pictures of Jackie’s vagina and buttocks in a closed position, and then instruct[s] [her mother] to spread Jackie’s labia and buttocks, so that she [can] take pictures of the genital and anal areas.” For months afterwards, both Jackie and her mother suffer from nightmares, anxiety, and depression.
Finding no basis to substantiate its concern that the child may have been abused, the state closes its case file.
Or consider
the case in which these questions ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court
(which ducked
the issue) – a case in which NCCPR’s Vice President served as pro-bono counsel for the family:
Nine-year-old Sharon [not her real name] was removed from her classroom by school officials and escorted to another room in the school where she was met by two men, one of them a uniformed deputy sheriff carrying a gun. They had no permission from any court; no neutral arbiter had decided first if what these men were about to do really was necessary.
For two hours Sharon was interrogated. She was badgered relentlessly when she did not give the men the answers they wanted to hear. She was too scared to leave the room, too scared even to ask for a glass of water. She realized that the only way out was to lie.
Needlessly to say, Sharon was not a criminal. On the contrary, the two men thought that maybe Sharon had been abused, and this seemed to them the most convenient way to find out.
But the botched interrogation led only to lies and confusion. And it set off a cascade of error that caused even more trauma to Sharon including a stripsearch, a highly traumatic medical examination and several weeks consigned to America’s chaotic system of foster care.
Should “speculation and hearsay” really be enough?
In their own brief to the Supreme Court authorities in
Oregon, where the case arose, actually said they should have the right to do
this to a child based on – their
words – “speculation and hearsay.”
Not everyone on the Left turned a blind eye. On the
contrary, the case was notable for the fact that groups on the left, such as
the Southern Poverty Law Center, the National Center for Youth Law, the
Juvenile Law Center and many groups that represent children in child welfare
cases as well as groups on the right
such as the Family Research Council and the Eagle Forum filed “friend of
the court” briefs supporting the family.

Meanwhile, in still another appalling case, in which girls were stripsearched in front of a male police officer, a lawsuit has been brought for the family by a conservative group, the Home School Legal Defense Association.
The intrusion doesn’t have to rise to the level of a
stripsearch to be traumatic. The
questioning alone can traumatize a child, particularly a young child. As three of the leading child welfare
scholars of the 20th century, Anna Freud, Joseph Goldstein and Albert J. Solnit
wrote, in calling for far higher standards before ever intervening in families:
Children react even to temporary infringement of parental autonomy with anxiety, diminishing trust, loosening of emotional ties, or an increasing tendency to be out of control.
The Baltimore Sun
recognized this in an editorial cautioning against toughening “mandatory
reporting” laws – even at a time when the pressure to toughen those laws was
greatest, right after the crimes of former Penn State coach – and
foster parent - Jerry Sandusky were exposed. As
the Sun wrote:
Moreover, abuse investigations are inherently traumatic for children. They often involvehours of intensive questioning about sensitive issues of sexuality, shame and guilt as well as intrusive physical examinations that frighten and humiliate suspected victims. The stress brought on by such procedures can leave lasting emotional and psychological scars even on children who turn out not to have suffered abuse.
The new normal
That kind of intrusion is the new normal for Black families.
Arecent study found that 53 percent of African American children will endure
a child abuse investigation before they turn 18.
Indeed, the very fact that the child welfare system targets
almost exclusively poor families and disproportionately families of color helps
explain the lack of outrage, especially in the media and among politicians. One
can see that in Massachusetts when all of a sudden media and politicians did get outraged – when it happened to
people of their race and their class: middle-class
foster parents.
But that doesn’t explain all of it. Stop-and-frisk targets the poor and it
targets people of color. Liberals can be relied upon to be outraged by it. Yet
many of the same liberals who will rise up in righteous wrath against infringements
of the civil liberties of adults by law enforcement stand silent or, worse,
defend the routine violations of children’s civil liberties in the name of “child
Similarly, some liberals who would never think it’s o.k. to
throw a passenger off a plane just for speaking Arabic will gladly seek to
instill paranoia in our children – and even promote the extremely dangerous
practice of defensive driving – again,
in the name of “child protection.”
After all, they will say, a child abuse investigation is
different – it’s done to protect the child.
But infringements against civil liberties almost always are justified by
invoking noble goals – that’s why defending civil liberties often is unpopular. That sheriff in Georgia could argue that he,
too, was simply trying to protect children – from the scourge of drug abuse.
All this explains why the due process protections we take
for granted in most areas of law are largely absent in child welfare. But whenever we on the Left betray our
principles, we also betray our children.
Read Part Two here
Read Part Two here